10 Manners ( etiquette ) Of Reading The Quran

Introduction: 10 Manners of Reading the Quran

Quran Reading
10 Manners of reading the Quran means how people show respect and follow certain rules when they read Islam’s holy book, the Quran. These rules include how to read it correctly, but they’re also about understanding, showing respect, and feeling spiritually connected to the wisdom in its verses. In this discussion, we’ll explore why these manners are important and how they make reading the Quran a more meaningful and special experience.
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The Quran, Islam’s holy book, is a source of divine wisdom, a roadmap for righteous living, and a key to spiritual growth. Explore our step-by-step guide on 10 Manners of Reading the Quran word by word, fostering a deep understanding and reverence for its teachings.

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1. Perform Wudu Before Starting Reading

Before you start reading the Quran, it’s important to cleanse yourself through Wudu. This ritual cleans your body and soul, helping you approach the Holy text with a pure heart and a clear mind.


2. Sit in a Respectable Manner When Reading the Quran

Posture, while reading, is a silent reflection of one’s respect and humility towards the sacred words of Allah. Sitting respectfully, with legs crossed or on knees, instils a sense of devotion and allows the reader to absorb the divine knowledge with reverence.

3. Put the Quran in an Elevated Position

Putting the Quran in a clean, elevated spot shows great respect for this holy book. It honors its sacredness and creates a peaceful atmosphere that encourages thoughtful reading.

4. Hold the Quran in Your Right Hand

Manners Of Reading Quran

When you hold the Quran in your right hand, it’s a sign of respect and doing what’s right. It reflects the etiquette taught in Islamic traditions and emphasizes the sacred connection between the reader and the text.

5. Recite Istiaazah and Basmalah

Before you start reading, it’s important to say Istiaazah (seeking protection from evil) and Basmalah (seeking blessings from Allah). These words create a respectful atmosphere and invite divine blessings as you begin reading.


6. Recite at a Slow Pace (10 Manners of Reading the Quran)

It’s essential to read the Quran at a steady and unhurried pace. This helps you truly understand and absorb each divine teaching and insight. It allows the sacred words to resonate deeply within your soul.

7. Follow Tajweed Rules

To become skilled in Quranic recitation, it’s vital to follow Tajweed rules. Tajweed helps you pronounce each Arabic letter correctly, ensuring you recite every word precisely as intended by divine guidance.

8. Do Not Talk During Quran Recitation

10 Manners Of Reading The Quran

When you’re reading the Quran, maintaining silence is crucial. It creates a peaceful atmosphere that helps you dive deep into the divine verses, allowing for greater reflection and understanding.

9. Fulfill Every Requirement of the Quran

To truly embrace the Quran, it’s essential to follow every commandment and recommendation within it with unwavering faith and sincerity. This not only amplifies your spiritual enlightenment but also ensures that your lifestyle aligns with divine guidance.

10. Praise Allah SWT

Finally, always conclude your reading with praises to Allah SWT. It’s a beautiful way to acknowledge His wisdom and grace, which are revealed to us through the Quran. This practice strengthens the divine connection you’ve cultivated during your recitation.


Learning to read the Quran, with a focus on 10 manners of reading the Quran, is a sacred journey, a dance of the soul with divine words, and a pursuit of celestial wisdom and spiritual elevation. By adhering to the noble etiquettes and immersing oneself in disciplined learning, one can unravel the boundless treasures enshrined within the Holy Quran.

FAQ’S (Frequently Ask Questions)

What are the 10 manners of reading the Quran?

Starting by seeking Allah’s protection, Reading with sincerity, Pronouncing words correctly, Staying focused and humble, Avoiding rushing, Reflecting on meanings, Following Tajweed rules, Pausing at appropriate times, Seeking guidance, Ending with gratitude and supplication.

Why is it important to follow these 10 manners of reading the Quran?

Following these manners is important because it shows respect for the Quran and deepens your connection with its teachings. It enhances your understanding and spiritual experience.

Can anyone learn these 10 manners of reading the Quran, or is it only for scholars?

Anyone can learn and practice these manners when reading the Quran. They’re not exclusive to scholars and are accessible to all Muslims seeking a deeper connection with the Quran.

What is the significance of reciting with proper pronunciation?

Proper pronunciation, called Tajweed, ensures accurate recitation, preserving the Quran’s beauty and conveying its message clearly.

How can I incorporate these manners into my daily Quran reading routine?

Start by learning these manners and gradually integrate them into your daily reading. Begin with one or two and let them become a natural part of your practice.

People Also Ask

What is the first manner of reading the Quran?

Start by seeking refuge in Allah from Satan. This keeps your Quranic reading free from negative influences.

Can I make personal supplications after Quranic reading?

Yes, it’s encouraged to make personal supplications and express gratitude to Allah after reading the Quran, deepening your connection and spirituality.

How do these 10 manners of reading the Qur'an contribute to a transformative Quranic experience?

These manners create a structured and respectful approach to Quranic reading, allowing you to connect deeply with its wisdom and spirituality, ultimately leading to a transformative experience.

Are there resources to help me learn Tajweed rules?

Yes, there are numerous resources like books, online quran academy, and local Quranic teachers to help you learn Tajweed and improve your recitation.

Why is it essential to reflect on the meanings of Quranic verses?

Reflecting on meanings helps you grasp the Quran’s wisdom and guidance, making your reading more meaningful and transformative.
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