The Prayer Course

Learn Prayer Techniques Online with Easy-to-Follow Lessons. Join for the Prayers online course. You can master prayer essentials quickly from your home. Our Online Prayer Lessons are designed for learners of all ages, including kids and adults.

Start mastering the art of prayer with our Online Prayer Courses. Our curriculum ensures that you can thoroughly understand each aspect of worship. Choose suitable class schedules and learn at your own pace. We welcome students of all backgrounds and proficiency levels to join our around-the-clock, comprehensive Prayer lessons for Sunday school and Adults.

Embark on your journey of spiritual growth today with our Prayer Lesson for Kids and Adults. Experience the support and guidance of Qari—Live’s exceptional teachers in The Prayer Course.

Dive into the world of prayer, enhance your spiritual practice, and find solace and connection with our Prayer Course. Whether for personal growth or Sunday school, our lessons are tailored to meet your needs.

Prayer in Islam

In Islam, many rituals like prayer are acts of worship called ʽibadat. The most common is the daily prayer, called salah in Arabic. Salah, known as namaz, stands as the second pillar of Islam and is a mandatory daily practice for all mature Muslims. It holds a central significance in the Islamic belief system. The word “Salah” means showing devotion to God through actions. In many Muslim countries, they use the same word, but in places like Persia and Turkey, they say namaz. No matter the name, the prayer is mostly in Arabic everywhere, with small changes. Different names are due to regional languages, but Arabic brings them together.

ٱتْلُ مَآ أُوحِىَ إِلَيْكَ مِنَ ٱلْكِتَـٰبِ وَأَقِمِ ٱلصَّلَوٰةَ ۖ إِنَّ ٱلصَّلَوٰةَ تَنْهَىٰ عَنِ ٱلْفَحْشَآءِ وَٱلْمُنكَرِ ۗ وَلَذِكْرُ ٱللَّهِ أَكْبَرُ ۗ وَٱللَّهُ يَعْلَمُ مَا تَصْنَعُونَ

“Recite what has been revealed to you of the Book, and establish prayer. Indeed, prayer prevents indecencies and wrongdoing, and the remembrance of Allah is greater. And Allah knows what you do. Reference: Quran, 29:45
What will you
Wajib PrayersSalat al-Witr, Salat-al-Eidain
Nafl or Voluntary PrayersSalat at-Tahajjud, Salat al-Ishraq, Salat ad-Duha, Salat al-Awwabin
Salat al-JanazahThe funeral prayer.
Salat al-TawbahThe prayer of repentance.
Salat al-TasbeehA prayer involving the recitation of specific phrases of glorification and praise to Allah.
Salat al-IstikharaA prayer for seeking guidance from Allah in decision-making.
PrayersMorning and evening prayers ( ازکار)
Sunnah PrayersTarawih, Tahajjud, Duha, Awwabin, Wudu
Fard PrayersSalat al-Fajr, Salat al-Zuhr, Salat al-Asr, Salat al-Maghrib, Salat al-Isha
Importance of prayer in Islam
In this program (qaida for beginners), We don’t limit learners to just the Noorani Qaida. The course offers essential Islamic knowledge, including:

  • Allah (SWT) has said in the Holy Quran, “Guard strictly [on] the Salah’s, and the prayer – [the] middle, and stand up for Allah devoutly obedient.” (Surah Al-Baqarah 2:238).
  • “Abdullah asked the Prophet Muhammad (SAW), “Which deed is the dearest to Allah?” He replied, “To offer the prayers at their early stated fixed times.” (Sahih al-Bukhari 527).
  • As Narrated by Ibn Umar, Allah’s Messenger said: “The beginning of the time for Salah is pleasing to Allah, and the end of its time is pardoned by Allah.” (Jami at-Tirmidhi 172), so don’t you want to begin the prayer on time and at earliest to please your Almighty, without which you cannot attain the place in Jannah.

Benefits of Online prayer lessons

Accessibility Anytime, Anywhere
Balancing Busy Schedules
Diversity of Learning Resources
Private and Focused Environment
Deepening Spiritual Insight
Self-paced Learning
Praying in a Personal Space
Access to Expert Guidance
Advanced Studies
Benefits Of Online Prayer Lessons
Prayer Lessons
Focusing the Mind
The Role of Physical Postures
Establish a Regular Prayer Schedule
Journaling Alongside Prayer
Mindful Breathing
Practicing Patience and Compassion
Group Prayer Sessions
Practicing Gratitude
Use Prayer Aids
Create a Dedicated Prayer Space
Incorporating Meditation into Prayer
Understanding the Basics of Prayer

Diverse Selection of Prayers Online Course

Recognizing the diverse spiritual needs and learning stages of individuals, offers a comprehensive array of Online Prayer Courses. Each course is designed to deepen your understanding and practice of prayer.

Online Prayer Course for Beginners – The Prayer Course Session 1
This course is an ideal starting point for those new to prayer, especially participants in the prayer course session 1. It focuses on:
1. Basics of prayer and its significance
2. Simple techniques for effective praying
3. Interactive sessions to foster a deeper connection in prayer
prayer lessons for kids
Tailored to engage young minds, this segment of the online prayer courses offers:
1. Storytelling and interactive activities to teach prayer.
2. Fun and engaging methods to understand the concept of prayer.
3. Age-appropriate lessons to instill a love for prayer early on.
Prayer Online Course for Women
Providing a comfortable and respectful learning environment, this course includes:
1. Sessions led by experienced female instructors.
2. Flexible scheduling to accommodate personal commitments.
3. A focus on privacy and a supportive atmosphere.
prayer lessons for adults
For those looking to delve deeper into their prayer practice, this advanced course covers:
1. In-depth techniques and spiritual insights.
2. Enhanced focus on meditative and contemplative prayer practices.
3. Advanced strategies for maintaining a consistent prayer routine.
Specialized Prayer Lessons
This segment caters to individuals seeking tailored guidance or facing specific challenges in prayer, offering:
1. Personalized lesson plans.
2. Individual sessions with skilled tutors.
3. Supportive feedback and constructive reinforcement.
Integrative Online Prayer Courses
These courses blend various aspects of prayer practice, focusing on:
1. Combining different prayer techniques and styles.
2. Practical sessions for real-world application.
3. Progressive learning leads to a more profound prayer experience.
Final Evaluation and Progression in Prayer Lessons
At the end of each course, there’s an assessment to gauge readiness for the next stage. Successful participants can move on to more specialized prayer studies or practices, further enriching their connection and understanding of prayer.

Features of the online prayer Course

Affordable Fee
Offered in English, Arabic & Urdu.
Five lessons every week
Accessible around the clock, 24/7
No Money, Learn Free
Interactive Classes
Sessions lasting 30 minutes each
Expert Tutors
Progress Tracking
Online Prayer Course Teacher
Your MentorIn this role, your teacher acts as a mentor, guiding you through pronouncing Arabic letters and words correctly, similar to how a coach would.
Facilitator of UnderstandingThey don’t just teach you to read; they help you grasp the significance of your learning, enhancing your understanding of the Quran.
Progress MonitorYour teacher monitors your development, providing feedback and guidance to help you advance and refine your skills.
Source of MotivationExpect a supportive environment. Your instructor will provide encouragement and help you navigate the more difficult parts of the course.
Advocate of Regular PracticeThe teacher emphasizes the importance of consistent practice in improving your Quran reading abilities.
Embarking on the Prayer Course is a vital step in your journey towards deepening your spiritual practice. It might feel challenging at first, but with regular practice, you’ll find yourself mastering it. Your instructors at are devoted to assisting you in learning through an engaging and supportive approach. Stay persistent, and soon you’ll be confidently enhancing your prayer experience, a key milestone in your online prayer lessons.

Online Prayer Classes Course StructureThe Prayer Classes Course has a 3-month 2 weeks duration. The Lecture schedule is as follows:

1-2 Week

Introduction to Prayer

  • The Essence of Prayer
  • Its Purpose & Importance
  • Different Religious Perspectives on Prayer
  • The Psychological & Spiritual Benefits of Prayer

3-4 Week

Historical Context of Prayer

  • The Evolution of Prayer Over Time
  • Notable Figures in the History of Prayer
  • Ancient and Traditional Prayers

5-6 Week

Types of Prayer

  • Praise & Adoration
  • thanksgiving
  • Supplication & Petition
  • Intercession
  • Confession & Repentance
  • Meditation & Contemplative Prayer

7-8 Week

The Structure of Prayer

  • Beginning(Address & Adoration)
  • Content(Specific Requests or Praise)
  • Conclusion(Thanksgiving & Seal)
  • Practical Exercise(Crafting Personal Prayers)

9-10 Week

Techniques for Enhancing Prayer

  • Fasting and Its Relationship with Prayer
  • The Role of Sacred Spaces & Altars
  • Use of Sacred Objects: Beads, Candles, etc.
  • Incorporating Nasheed & Chants

11-12 Week

Overcoming Challenges in Prayer

  • Distractions & Their Management
  • Dealing with Doubt & Spiritual Dryness
  • Understanding Unanswered Prayers

13-14 Week

Integrating Prayer into Daily Life

  • Morning, Noon, & Evening Prayers
  • Moment-to-moment Mindfulness & Prayer
  • Establishing a Personal Prayer Routine

15-16 Week

Group Prayers & Community Building

  • The Importance of Praying Together
  • Organizing & Leading Group Prayer Sessions
  • Building a Supportive Prayer Community Online
Each week’s date and time
Schedule: Monday through Friday, 30 minutes daily (Totaling 2.5 hours per week).

Online Prayer Course Outcomes

  • Salah’s Importance:
    • It’s a central part of being a Muslim.
  • Preparing with Ablution:
    • Learn how to cleanse yourself before praying.
  • Prayer Postures:
    • Get to know the right positions during Salah.
  • What We Say in Prayer:
    • Understand the meanings of verses and supplications.
  • Fixing Mistakes:
    • Recognize and correct common prayer errors.
  • Learn from the Prophet:
    • Embrace teachings from Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).
  • Special Prayers:
    • Know the right supplications for different times and needs.
  • Daily Prayer Count:
    • Understand the 5 daily prayers and their Rakats.
Prayers Online Course

Online Prayer Classes: Overcoming Challenges with Effective Solutions

Memorizing Prayer TextsEmploy repetitive learning techniques to help embed the prayers in memory.
Pronunciation DifficultiesUtilize audio recordings for practice, enhancing correct pronunciation.
Grasping Prayer ConceptsSimplify instructions and explanations to make understanding easier.
Consistency in PracticeEncourage setting aside daily practice sessions to build a routine.
Staying MotivatedSet small, achievable goals to maintain interest and motivation.
Effective Time ManagementCreate a structured timetable to manage learning time efficiently.
Pace of RecitationBegin with a slow pace in recitation to build confidence and accuracy.
Difficulty in Prayer RecallUse visual aids and memory techniques to aid in recalling prayers.
Tracking Personal ProgressMonitor learning with set milestones and regular check-ins.
Minimizing DistractionsStudy in a quiet, focused environment to enhance concentration.

Prayers Course Prerequisite

  • Access to Technology:
    • A stable internet connection with computer or smart phone might be necessary for interactive sessions.
  • Prior Religious Knowledge:
    • Depending on the course’s level, there might be an expectation for participants to have some basic knowledge of Islamic teachings.
  • Commitment:
    • A certain level of commitment and dedication might be expected.
  • Language Proficiency:
    • In some cases Participants may need to be proficient in Arabic or English language to understand the environment.
  • Materials:
    • Some courses might require participants to have specific materials, such as a copy of the Quran, prayer rugs, or other religious texts.
Prayer Lessons

Free Online Prayer Courses at

Are you looking to strengthen your prayer practice but worried about costs?

We’ve got you covered. At our Free Online Prayer Courses, everyone should have the chance to deepen their connection through prayer, regardless of financial barriers.

Tailored for those who can’t join paid programs, this Course guides you through perfecting your prayers, step by step, at your pace, right from home. Join us and enhance your daily prayer journey today.

Online Prayer Courses
Are you ready Learn Prayers Online Course?

5 Simple Steps for Mastering Prayer Lessons in Our Online Course

Norani Qaida

Recognize the Importance of Lessons on Prayer:Before beginning any course, it’s vital to understand its significance. For lessons on prayer, research or consult with an expert teacher to grasp their relevance in your spiritual journey.

Norani Qaida

Prioritize Understanding Over Speed in Youth Lessons on Prayer:Students or their guardians often aim to move through the foundational stages quickly. However, a hurried approach can limit the depth of understanding of essential prayer concepts, especially in youth lessons on prayer.

Norani Qaida

Engage with Skilled Teachers in Object Lessons on Prayer:The guidance of an experienced teacher is invaluable in learning about object lessons on prayer. Their expertise in prayer’s nuances and deeper meanings will enhance your understanding and practice.

Norani Qaida

Consistent Practice is Crucial in Lessons on Prayer:True mastery in lessons on prayer comes from regular revision and practice. Learning the subtleties of spiritual language, especially if it’s new to you, requires dedication and time.

Prayer Lessons In Our Online Course
Norani Qaida

Relate to Familiar Concepts in Lesson on Prayer:If grasping new prayer tones or concepts is challenging, try finding similarities with those in your native language. This approach can be constructive in a lesson on prayer, where drawing parallels can aid in understanding and retention.

Why Our Online Prayer Classes are the Best Choice?


Expert InstructorsLearn from certified experts passionate about Quranic recitation and Tajweed.


Interactive LearningEngaging video lessons, quizzes, and exercises make learning enjoyable.


Flexible ScheduleStudy independently with 24/7 access to course materials.


Transparent Course OutlineA clear and detailed curriculum ensures a structured learning path.


Money-Back GuaranteeWe offer a Money-Back Guarantee to ensure your satisfaction.


Learn for FreeIf you can’t pay the fee, you can still enroll and learn for free.


Certification AwardedUpon successful completion, you will be awarded a certificate recognizing your accomplishment.

Are you ready Learn Online Prayer Lessons?

Monthly Fees Structure

Schedule / WeekClasses per MonthFee USD
2 Classes /Week08 /Month$35 / Month
3 Classes /Week12 / Month$50 / Month
4 Classes /Week16 / Month$65 / Month
5 Classes /Week20 / Month$80 / Month

If you have any questions or need more help, feel free to reach out to our helpful support team at

What People Say About Us

10Expert Score
Sana Ahmed

I’m thrilled with the course “Online Prayer Course” at! The lessons are clear, engaging, and truly effective. It’s amazing how much progress I’ve made in such a short time.

9Expert Score
Omar Khan

The course, especially the prayer lessons for adults, has been a fantastic experience. The instructors are knowledgeable and supportive, making the learning process both enjoyable and rewarding. Highly recommended for anyone looking to deepen their prayer practice.

9.5Expert Score

Joining the Prayer course at was one of my best decisions. The content is well-structured and easy to follow, and the support from instructors is outstanding. I’ve gained so much from this course!

Are you ready For Online Prayer Course?

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s)

What are some examples of voluntary prayers in Islam?

There are multiple voluntary (Nafl) prayers in Islam for diverse occasions. Some frequently observed ones include Salat al-Tahajjud, Salat al-Duha, Salat al-Istikhara, Salat al-Hajat, and Salat at-Tawbah

Why is prayer significant to Muslims?

Prayer is perceived as a direct channel connecting worshippers with Allah. Through prayers, individuals express their appreciation, dedication, and unwavering faith, achieving spiritual and mental purification. Beyond structured prayers, Muslims can also venerate Allah through Dua (supplications) or Tasbih (remembrance).

How does the Adhan relate to Islamic prayers?

While Muslims are free to pray anywhere, congregational prayers in mosques are encouraged. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) instituted the Adhan, or the call to prayer, to unify worshippers and signal prayer times.

Can you explain Tahiyyat al-Masjid?

Upon entering a mosque, it’s recommended to perform Tahiyyat al-Masjid, a voluntary prayer consisting of two units (rakahs). The saying goes, “Upon entry into a mosque, offer two units of prayer before sitting.” – Bukhari, Salat, 60

Are there specific times when voluntary prayers shouldn’t be offered?

Yes, certain times are discouraged for performing Nafl prayers, such as the duration between Salat al-Asr and Salat al-Maghrib. While Nafl prayers can be observed in mosques, it’s often suggested to conduct them at home, barring certain exceptions.

People Also Ask

Why are prayers pivotal in Islam?

Prayers are foundational in Islam, acting as a bridge connecting Muslims with Allah, offering guidance, and manifesting devotion.

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