Surah An Nas: Your Essential Guide to Seeking Refuge in Allah (SWT)

Whispers of evil can sometimes creep into our hearts and minds. Did you know the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) himself once sought protection from such unseen forces?

Surah An Nas, a powerful chapter within the Qur’an, was revealed to guide him and all of us toward refuge.

This surah, along with Surah Al-Kafirun, Surah Al-Ikhlas, and Surah Al-Falaq are collectively known as the 4 Qul.

Surah An Nas

Surah Nas (Chapter of Mankind) is the 114th and final chapter of the Qur’an. It is composed of 6 short but powerful verses.

It is a Makki Surah, meaning it was revealed to the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) during the Meccan period of his prophethood.

Audio and Video of Surah

Coutesy By M Asif

Read Surah An-Nas Online in Arabic, Urdu and English

Surah An Nas

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Key Message

Seeking Refuge in Allah

The Surah emphasizes finding ultimate protection in Allah from all forms of evil – be it from within (our own doubts and temptations) or from external forces like the whispers of those who wish us harm.

Allah’s Power

It highlights Allah’s absolute authority as the Lord, King, and God of all humankind.

Related Post

Importance of Last Surah of Quran

Daily Protection

It is often recited as a prayer for protection against evil and negativity.

Spiritual Shield

It offers a spiritual shield against the harmful influences in our lives.

Connection with Allah

Reminds us of our constant need for Allah’s guidance and protection.

Completes the Qur’an

Together with Surah al-Falaq, it concludes the Qur’an with a powerful message of seeking refuge in Allah.

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